
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 83
Issue: 4
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葉文欽 劉潤華 陶家瑞


  Typhoon Irving, including T.D., and extratratropical cyclone stage had a very long lifetime of nineteen days. During these period, there were six days on the stage of typhoon. On August 16, it reached its maximum intensity with a 955- millibar central pressure and 95KTS Gust 115KTS maximum wind speed near its center. Although it didn’t attack Taiwan directly, it still brought heavy rainfall in Northern Taiwan. A daily maximum precipitation of 328mm was recorded at Fu-Shan. After it moving far away from Taiwan, the heavy rainfall was brought in Southern Taiwan again by the unstable southwestern current associated with Irving. And, a daily maximum precipitation of 316.7 mm was recorded at North Pingtung station.
  In this paper, the relation between the movement of Irving and the variation of the system and the upper air cold core low is discussed.
