The evolution of a line echo wave pattern over the southern Taiwan area

期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 189
Issue: 2
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The evolution of a line echo wave pattern over the southern Taiwan area

Chih-Hsien Wei 1、Wen-Chau Lee 2、Tai-Hwa Hor 3、Mou-Hsiang Chang 4

Department of Military Meteorology, Air force Institute of Technology1
National Center for Atmospheric Research2
General Education Center, Long Hua University3
Department of Atmospheric Science, National Taiwan University4


  A MCS developed over the southern part of the Taiwan Strait on 7 June 2003 (Fig 1). The leading convection possessed a LEWP moved through southern Taiwan and subsequently evolved into bow segments and MCVs. The northern part of the system was observed by both Central Weather Bureau’s operational Doppler radars located at Chiku (RCCG) and Kenting (RCKT). Dual-Doppler wind synthesis from both radars thus can deduce the kinematic structure of the system. Not only it was a unique observation on LEWP, in subtropical area, but it is the first dual-Doppler observation of such a mesoscale system in East Asian area over the ocean to date. This paper presents the evolution and structure of this bow echo and MCV system particularly on the northern end of the system residing in the dual-Doppler lobe.
