
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 44
Issue: 5
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Correlation of Low Level Cyclonic Circulation with The Occurrence and Activities of Tropical Storms over South China Sea


N.K. Chu


  Few tropical storms occur in the South China Sea and still fewer of these take a northeast course to invade Taiwan or the adjacent areas. Tropical storms which originate in the South China Sea and invade Taiwan rarely cause severe damage due to the high terrain on the island. A small storm with its record precipitation on Aug. 7, 1959, however, caused the worst floods ever experienced in Central and Southern Taiwan. Therefore, tropical storms occurring in the South China Sa still deserve the attention of the forecaster.
  Minimum vertical wind shear is one of the requirements for tropical storm development. Due to insufficient upper air data in the South China Sea area, it is extremely difficult to determine the vertical wind shear and the exact position of the tough in the upper troposphere.
  This study by the author, however attempts to establish the coorelation of low level cyclonic circulction with the occurrence and activities of tropical storms in this area, by utilizing the limited surface, upper air, and aircraft reconnaisance reports. The results of his study are enumerated.
