
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 48
Issue: 2
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Use of Satellite Cloud Picture in Determining the Movement and Intensity of Tropical Cyclones

by Shih-Ting Wang


  This paper deals with the problems concerning the movement and intensity of tropical cyclone as revealed by and deducel from APT cloud picture. Basically, 39 tropical cyclones with 132 APT cloud pictures seleteed fro 1967-1971 are used with the attempt to give some indications on the following topics:

  1. Movement of the tropical cyclone with the symmetrical and non-symmetrical cloud patterns.
  2. Characteristics of recurving typhoons.
  3. interaction between the rotational and translational field.
  4. Interaction between typhoon pairs.
  5. Behavior of the storms with the unbalanced cloud distribution.
  6. Terrain effects on the typhoon cloud distribution.
  7. Some statistical correlations emong parameters:
    1. the moving speed of storm(Vs)
    2. the maximum wind of storm(Vmax)
    3. Vs/Vmax, “the relative intensity” of basic flow
    4. the major and minor exis of storm cloud area(L and S)
    5. the L/S, “the eccentricity”
    6. the direction of motion of strom(Ds)
    7. the orientation of the major axis of storm cloud(Dc)
    8. Vmax/Vs, “the symmetry index”

  Generally, the results obtained are quite exsiting and promising, and can be used for operational purposes.
