
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 64
Issue: 1
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曲克恭 莊思禮

An Analytic Study of Some Characteristics of Typhoon

Ko-Kung Chu Sue-Li Chuang


  Typhoon center fixed data executed by Joint Typhoon Warnning Center over 4-year peroid (1971-1974) and the rawinsond data in Taiwan of 7 typhoons in 1972 and 1973 were used to analyze some of the characteristics of typhoon. Typhoon eyes, wall clouds, maximum winds, wind speed shears, moisture contents and equivalent potential temperatures were preliminarily studied and the relations between them also were selectively analyzed.
  Large differences were found between individual typhoons and all the characteristics which were analyzed in this paper changed very much frequently with respect to both time and space. Generalized typhoon characteristics and statistically averaged corelations can not tell the unknown characteristics of typhoon satisfactorily from already known terms.
  The best relationship which we have found was between 700mb minimum height, 700mb temperature in the eye and the surface minimum pressure. It was very close to the hydrostatic equilibrium. The vertical wind speed chear affected by the Central Mountain range in Taiwan were found that surface to 700mb there was anticyclone and 700mb to 500mb, cyclonic. This interesting phenomenon would disappear when the surface gale wind increased as the typhoon center was very close to Taiwan.
