
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 71
Issue: 3
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Influence of the Tibetan Plateau on the Problems of

Extended-Forecasting in Taiwan

Shih-Ting Wang


  This is the third part of the report entitled “the Nature of orographic distur-bances caused by the Tibetan Plateau”,aiming at the preliminary survey on the extended forecast problems in Taiwan under the influence of the Plateau as a barrier in the middle and lower tropospheres. The subtopics include: (1) The Plateau and the NE Monsoon regime of Taiwan. (2) The shear line in the wake of Plateau in relation to persistent wet period in Taiwan. (3) Troughs of southern-branch westerlies and their influences on the weather over Taiwan. (4) Influence of the dynamic stable layer, heat lows near the Plateau, and deep cold fronts on the weather over Taiwan. (5) Application of satellite cloud pictures.
