
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 48
Issue: 1
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Atmopheric Obscurity in China


C. S. Chi

  Weather elements are some of the important factors that must be considered in selecting the time and place for an invasion. Weather is also important for support ectivities and for the invading army to make fast advances. Among the weather elements, restrictions to vision are the most important. Sudden assaults are possible due to concealment provided by poor visibility, but operations in the air and over water would be hampered. Taking advantage of the con-cealment afforded by poor visibility will take the enemy by surprise. On the other hand, without surprise, defeat and loss could be the result.
  Along the southeast coast of the China mainland, fog and haze are the most frequent restrictions to vision. In northern China, sandstorms and duststorms are the important elements that affect military operations. In this paper, the author makes an elaborate discussion on these factors.
