
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 81
Issue: 1
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  Frontal Thunderstorm in Taiwan mostly occurs in the period from April through June. Though the times of occurance are few, but it occurs rapidly, covers a vast area, and usually brings strong gust, severe turbulence, and icing with it. Therefore it is very dangerous for aircraft flight.
  Based on the surface observation data taken from 1967 to 1977 (April-June, 1970 data excluded) at Ching-Chun-Kang, Chia-yi, Tainan, Kang-Shan, Ping-Tung South Field, Ma-Kung, and rawinsonde data taken at Tung-Kong. and the surface and upper weather charts pupared in the .same period but at the previous days, and by use of the statistical and weather analysis methods, the objective forecast diagrams for each of the above mentioned six surface observation stations are obtained. By use of these diagrams, the probabilities of occurance and non-occurance of frontal thunderstorm can be predicted more accurately and objectively. Thus, the flying safety of both military and civil aircrafts can be also insured.
