
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 82
Issue: 8
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  The Automated Surface Weather System (ASWS) has been assembled to meet the particular requireements for C.K.S. (Chiang Kai-shek) International Airport. The System is made up of the following subsystems, which are required to fully automate one runway for category II operations in both directions.

  a) Two Cloud Height Systems located at each middle marker.
  b) Two Wind Systems located at both touchdown zone.
  c) Three Runway Visual Range (RVR) Systems located at both touchdown zones and at the runway middle point.
  d) One Air Temperature / Dew point System colocated with one Wind System at the runway middle point.
  e) One Precipitation System colocated with Temperature / Dew Point System.
  f) A complete Weather Observer’s Facility with analog chart recorders and an integrated digital display of all parameters. It includes one complete Altemeter Setting Indicator(ASI) Subsystem.
  g) An integrated digital display for the FSS.
  h) Two digital displays for use in the control tower.
  i) Microbarograph, Mercurial barometer, and an Aneroid barometer.
