
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 78
Issue: 3
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On the Climatological Characteristics and the Related Weather of Taitung

Chia-Chung Yu


    Based upon a detailed synoptic analysis on the weather phenomenon occurring in Taitung and which may give damage to the air flight, the auther found that certain features are common and may be used as indicator when make predictions.

These features indicate that:

    1. The Foehn wind occurs when there is a closed low north of Taiwan or when the returned flow of the Pacific high is from southern part of Taiwan strait (both on 850mb level). This is important factor for high temperature and low humidity in the area.

    2. Due to the orographic influence there were no dense fog (visibility <3 mi) occured in Taitung in the past 7 years.

    3. Whether or not there is precipitation accompany with the passage of a cold front is mainly depends on the orientation of the front.

    4. The orographic effect is very important on the monthly distribution of Precipitation.

As a conclusion of this study some schematic diagrams and objective   forecasting charts which may be very useful for the forecasters are also presented.
