
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 84
Issue: 4
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劉廣英 陶家瑞


  There are interactions between different scales due the nonlinearity in the equation. This fact can no longer be avoided by simply assuming that the motion can be separated into independent ranges. An obvious example arise as attention turns to the so-called mesoscale phenomena that lie bet ween cyclones and turbulence. Many severe weathers, such as frontal thunderstorms, occur in mesoscale systems. In general, the intensity of the frontal thunderstorms is stronger than that of the air. mass thunderstorms, because it not only has the thunderstorms characteristic but also get it energy from the westerlies. Amount the dangerous phenomena the downdraft is one of the most important of many weather hazard, such as wind shift, pressure jump, temperature break etc. In this paper we shall discuss and analyze the structure and phenomena of downdrafts in the mesoscale point of view. Some observed data from local stations are also presented.
