
棲蘭通量測站位於台灣東北部100線林道14.5 公里處,海拔約1600公尺。本測站主要是測量森林生態系與大氣之間的交互作用,量測森林地景的質量,動量以及能量通量,也同時量測地表輻射(包括長波,短波,淨輻射)以及能量收支(可感熱,潛熱,地表熱通量)。此外,也針對大氣模式所需的地表參數進行量測。本測站主要儀器包括LI-7500 Open Path CO2/H2O Analyzer開路式氣體濃度分析儀,可用以量測大氣中二氧化碳與水氣之濃度,另外還有CSAT3 3-D Sonic Anemometer三維超音波風速風向計,量測大氣紊流尺度下的三維風速值。上述兩者結合可以進行二氧化碳與水氣通量之量測。另外也有Kipp & Zonen  CNR1 net radiometer輻射儀,可量測向下短波輻射,向下長波輻射,向上短波輻射,向上長波輻射四個重要的能量收支組成,並可用以計算淨輻射數值。


  • Yang T-Y, Huang C-Y, Juang J-Y, Chen Y-Y, Cheng C-T and Lo M-H (2022), Responses of Surface Evaporative Fluxes in Montane Cloud Forests to the Climate Change Scenario, Journal of Hydrometeorology. Volumn 23, 1789–1805
  • Wang S-H Wang and Juang J-Y (2022), Quantifying the influence of management strategies on surface radiation budgets and energy patterns in tea fields, Environmental Research Letters. Volume 17, Number 3, 034041
  • Gu R-Y; Lo M-H; Liao C-Y; Jang Y-S;Juang J-Y; Huang C-Y; Chang S-C; Hsieh C-I; Chen Y-Y; Chu H; Chang K-Y (2021), Early Peak of Latent Heat Fluxes Regulates Diurnal Temperature Range in Montane Cloud Forests, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22(9)
  • Philipp, K, Juang J-Y., Deventer M J, & Klemm O (2017). Methane Emissions from a Subtropical Grass Marshland, Northern Taiwan. Wetlands. doi:10.1007s13157-017-0947-8
  • Yao M-H, Li M-H, Juang J-Y, Hsia Y-J, Lee P-H, and Shen Y (2017) Mapping reference evapotranspiration from meteorological satellite data and applications, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 28 501-515.
  • Lin K-M, Juang J-Y and Chang L-F (2016) Estimating Bowen Ratio for Application in Air Quality Models by Integrating a Simplified Analytical Expression with Measurement Data, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55 1041-1048.
  • El-Madany T S, Walk J B,·Deventer M J, Degefie D T, Chang S-C, Juang J-Y,·Griessbaum F,·Klemm O (2016), Canopy- atmosphere interactions under foggy condition – size-resolved fog droplet fluxes and their implications, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121(3) 796-808
  • Lee S-C, Fan C-J, Wu Z-Y and Juang J-Y (2015) Investigating effect of environmental controls on dynamics of CO2 budget in a subtropical estuarial marsh wetland ecosystem, Environmental Research Letters,10 025005.
  • El-Madany T S, Duarte H F, Durden D J, Paas B, Deventer M J, Juang J Y, Leclerc M Y and Klemm O (2014) Low-level jets and above-canopy drainage as causes of turbulent exchange in the nocturnal boundary layer, Biogeosciences,11 4507-4519.


溫度, 相對溼度, 風向, 風速, 短波輻射量, 長波輻射量, 淨輻射量, 潛熱通量, 顯熱通量
時間解析度:原始資料為10 Hz,整理後的資料為以0分鐘平均值時間序列資料儲存。


莊振義 教授