
期刊名稱: 氣象預報與分析
Volume: 82
Issue: 2
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  A diagnostic analysis is presented of the characteristics of large-scale atmospheric flow in the southeastern part of Continental China during the 3-day (27 July 1969 to 29July 1969) period of typhoon Viola’s (1969) passage.
  Data used in this study consist primarily of 00GMTand 12GMT rawinsonde reports at standard pressure levels.  Analysis of the following observed and computed quantities are performed: zonal and meridional wind components, temperature, equivalent potential temperature and relative humidity. Divergence, vorticity and vertical velocity fields are computed using pentagon method developed by Chien and Smith (1973) and adjusted according to a scheme by O’Brien 1970). Results have also been examined separately for Viola’s mature stage and decaying stage.
  Using a quasi-Lagrangian approach, various terms in the vorticity equation are computed, followed by a discussion of the contribution of each term at different layers.
  It is indicated that during the passage of Viola, its circulation has an impact on the large-scale flow and it appears that deep cumulus convection associated with Viola plays an important role in the large-scale vorticity budget.
